Se9rgio, muito bom seu artigo, lidsnato o que gostei: c9 papel dos professores comprometidos com o presente e o futuro de seus alunos refletirem criticamente sobre quais ferramentas se adequam a objetivos educacionais e ne3o quais objetivos educacionais se adequam a ferramenta da moda! Foi para a minha colee7e3o de frases:Aqui fiquei com uma duvida, vocea diz:Aprendizagem em rede passa por organizae7e3o dos fluxos informacionais.Seria por organizae7e3o que e algo importante ou o incentivo dos fluxos organizacionais??Ou as duas coisas?A organizae7e3o me parece que e9 algo posterior, no registro, do fluxo que rolou fundamental. E o incentivo no durante.Pode esclarecer?Me identifiquei tambe9m com isso: Aprendizagem cooperativa ne3o prescinde da mediae7e3o daquele que aprende he1 mais tempo! Na verdade, quando vocea diz aprende seria a pessoa que estuda/aprende aquele dado problema he1 mais tempo. Gosto do termo aprende, pois aponta para algue9m que continua estudando.Concordo e complemento.O problema e9 como o cara estuda.Se e9 um cara que estuda e este1 em aberto para aprender, professor-cientista.Ou se e9 um cara que estuda, mas je1 sentou sobre a bedblia que descobriu, professor-religioso.Isso faz uma grande diferene7a e talvez impacte em todo o processo, pois quem quer discusse3o quer aprender junto, gosto do termo coo-vencer.E quem quer sentar na bedblia , ne3o vai incentivar o debate, pois o que ele quer e9 doutrinar.Que achas?Por fim, gostei muito do:Ne3o existem absolutos!De fato, ne3o existe, mas e9 te3o difedcil.Todo mundo ou melhor o ego de tudo mundo gosta de ter raze3o..;)Abrae7os,Valeu a visita.Nepf4.
Oh que bacana! Jc3a1 tc3b4 vendo mamc3a3e Lady Rasta badanbo ali no cantinho. Boas observac3a7c3b5es.O que mais senti falta mesmo foram as lembranc3a7as de Dumbledore em sua busca c3a0s horcrux. Eram minhas partes favoritas do livro. E muito mais de Tom Riddle, sou fascinada pela maneira como ele se tornou Voldmort e o livro c3a9 muito rico nesse ponto.Mas discordo de que o filme nc3a3o tenha romance demais. Acho que a preocupac3a7c3a3o em relac3a7c3a3o aos corac3a7c3b5es juvenis rouba muitas cenas boas do livro, deixa muita gente interessante de lado. Para quc3aa? Sc3b3 para vermos Hermione sofrendo pelos cantos? Para vermos Harry e Gina naquela lenga-lenga? Sim, sou chata, quero ac3a7c3a3o! Quero mais brigas entre Harry e Malfoy, quero mais segredos, salas escondidas e coisas assim. E menos beijos e sofrimentos adolescentes.
I tried this with my three month old puppy and it didn't work at all. He couldn't care less!But to be hosnet I really don't get how this is supposed to work. Squealing like another puppy will make him/her think you're just another one of the littermates. But you're not supposed to be one of the littermates. You're supposed to be his new mother. If a puppy would get too rough with his mom, she would growl at him, not yelp. So how is teaching a dog you're not the pack leader a good thing?
Tempc3a3o que nc3a3o comento aqui.Mas eu voelti!!!!Acabou que lia os textos todos pelo buzz, mas este eu acho que vale a pena comentar aqui. Nc3a3o que os outros nc3a3o valessem Acho fodc3a1stica essa relac3a7c3a3o que vocc3aa tem com o filho e essa identificac3a7c3a3o quanto ao livro. Eu nc3a3o sou um fc3a3 absoluto do livro, nem nunca cheguei a ver um dos filmes inteiros. Mas tenho todos os livros em casa e demorei menos de duas semanas para lc3aa-los. c389 intrigante, carismc3a1tico e empolgante. Quando leio coisas voltadas para um pc3bablico mais jovem, principalmente por ser educador, eu tento me colocar no papel do jovem que lc3aa aquilo. E definitivamente nc3a3o existe nada que me faria ter mais vontade de ler do que a saga do bruxinho. E quem sabe atc3a9 me vestir como tal, por que nc3a3o?Bom Lady, avise ao Lord que aguardo a resenha do c3baltimo filme. Beijo
L-am vazut si il recomand...este super tare,mai ales faza cand rnaame blocat in toaleta dintr-un autocar si este nevoie de interventia unui echipaj de politie pentru eliberarea lui...
Thank you for trying the very first edition of Windows Tiny7
Based on: Windows 7 Ultimate x86 build 6.1.7600.16385 RTM
To install Windows Tiny7 from this CD, set your PC up so it will boot from the CD-ROM in the PC's BIOS.
There is no upgrade option available in Tiny7, because the option is removed.
Only install Tiny7 onto a freshly formatted partition or hard disk.
You do not need any product key in this release - the installation of Tiny7 is unattended, apart from in the very beginning where you choose which drive or partition to install to.
All installations are set to US English. If you do not want the US keyboard settings, you will have to change this in Windows when it has installed (as opposed to choosing it at install time), its easy enough, just open the "Keyboard Settings" folder in the desktop eXPerience folder and read the included ReadMe.txt that is there.
- ISO File Size.............................. 699 Mb - RAM Usage On First Installation............ 145 Mb (idle for 5 mins) - Entire Installation Size................... 2.46 Gb - WINDOWS Folder Size........................ 2.40 Gb - Running Processes, total................... 24 - Running Processes, Windows................. 22 - Install Time In VMware..................... 10 to 15 minutes*
*The operating system takes 10 minutes to get to first logon, but on first logon the activation process takes a few minutes and in total it all adds up to about 15 minutes.
This installation still includes, but is not limited to:
- Aero Theme - Fax Support - Internet Explorer 8 - Modem Support - Most Languages (only Chinese, Japanese and Korean are removed) - Printer Support - Smart Card Support - Windows Sounds - Windows Update
(See the complete list below of what is kept in vLite)
- eXPerience Desktop folder with vital essentials - eXPerience Wallpaper - Quick Launch enabler on desktop (Thanks to ntoskrnl) - Dozens of tweaks to improve Windows - Watermark "Test Mode" removed - Windows is activated offline (Thanks to Hazar)
- DirectX 9c DLL Files (some standalone/ripped games might need these) - Everything Search v1.2.1.371 (find files and folders without waiting) - Flash v10.0.22.87 for IE (player forand Google Video etc) - Foxit PDF Reader Pro v3.0.1301 (open PDF files from the web in IE) - HashTab v2.1.1 (adds a tab on file properties to see file checksum) - WinRAR v3.80 (compression tool to handle various archive formats)
Most of these folders contain quick solutions to things that otherwise would be buried away in the Windows GUI, or you would have to know the command to run the item, like "control userpasswords2" will open the screen to change your Windows 7 login password, or "intl.cpl" runs the "Regional and Language Options" from Control Panel.
[eXPerience folder contents] - Comodo Firewall - Download link to Comodo Firewall. - Desktop Icon Layout - Allows you to save your desktop icon setup. - Hibernation - Turns Hibernation on/off with one double click. - Keyboard Settings - Quick way to open "Regional and language Options" - Registry Backup - Easily backup your registry in one double click. - TCPIP Patcher - Patch your tcpip.sys to allow 255 connections, not 10. - User Password - Easily change your password for Windows.
[+ Links to useful items in Windows] - Add Remove Programs - Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc) - Event Viewer (eventvwr.exe) - Group Policy (gpedit.msc)
KEPT - [Hardware Support] (everything is kept) Dynamic Volume Manager, Fax Support, Firewire (1394), Floppy Disk Support, Infrared Support, Internet Small Computer System Interface, Microsoft Multi-Path Bus, Modem Support, Printer Support, Smartcards, TV Tuner support, Windows HotStart, Windows Image Acquisition, Windows Portable Devices, WLAN Support, XBOX 360 Controller.
KEPT - [Multimedia] Intel Indeo, Media Metadata Handler, Photo Metadata Handler, Shell event sounds, Wallpapers, Windows Aero Theme.
KEPT - [Network] Distributed File System, File and printer sharing (Server), Internet Explorer, Link-Layer Topology Discovery, Network and Sharing Center, Network Explorer, Quality of Service, RIP Listener, Windows Firewall.
KEPT - [Services] Application Experience, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, Computer Browser, Desktop Window Manager, DHCP, Distributed Link Tracking Client, Distributed Transaction Coordinator, DNS Client, Extensible Authentication Protocol, Interactive Services Detection, Internet Connection Sharing, IP Helper, IPsec Policy Agent, Multimedia Class Scheduler, Network Access Protection Agent, Network List Service, Network Location Awareness, Protected Storage, Quality Windows Audio Video Experience, Remote Access Auto Connection Manager, Remote Access Connection Manager, Secondary Logon, Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol, SSDP Discovery, SuperFetch, Task Scheduler, TCP/IP NetBios Helper, Telephony, TPM Base Services, Universal Plug and Play, User-mode Driver Framework, Volume Shadow Copy, WebDAV (WebClient), Windows Color System (WCS/ICM), Windows Connect Now, Windows Event Log, Windows Remote Management, Windows Time, Windows Update.
KEPT - [System] 16-bit Support, Beep, Component Cache, Disk Quota, Jet Database Engine, MDAC, Microsoft Client For NFS, Microsoft HTML engine, Run a legacy CPL elevated, Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA), User Account Control (UAC), Windows Picture and Fax Viewer (Shimgvw), Zip Folder.
I have used this modded OS for a few days and it seems every bit as fast as Windows XP. If you have always wanted to use Vista, but were holding out for Windows 7 - its worth it! This slimmed edition boots up fast, shuts down fast, opens applications fast, even VMware v5.5 runs fast on it once its started up. File copying seems no slower than XP. All in all this new Windows really blows away XP because of all the new features. You have to remember XP is from 2001 when no one even had such a thing as "Wireless" or a SATA drive. Now all this new hardware runs on Windows XP but the OS was never designed to run it really. You might wonder why not just use Vista - don't even go there. Lets just pretend Vista never existed. In fact Microsoft should have not ever released it but I guess they had to in order to improve on it and eventually get it right - with Windows 7.